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Ant-man's Last Stand
Cactus Cowboy

Tools: Unreal Engine 4, Adobe Illustrator 

Development Time: 3 Days

Team Size: 8

Role: Gameplay/UI Designer
Project Type: Game Jam


Cactus Cowboy is a first-person turret game in which players act as a cowboy ant defending their hometown from an army of scorpions. They do this through the use of their Cactus Gatling Gun, the CGG. Defend your home for as long as you can until you are overwhelmed in antman's last stand against the vicious scorpion foe. ​

CactusJam_VDD (1).png


Development of this game took place for the 2021 Low Effort game jam in January 2021. We were given 3 days to make a game around the theme of "Cactus." I worked alongside one other designer on the development. I primarily worked on the gameplay loop as well as the UI functionality.

A Singleplayer, First-Person, Movement Game
Magnet Magnate

Tools: Unreal Engine 4, Adobe Illustrator 

Development Time: 3 weeks

Role: Solo Developer
Project Type: Mechanics Demo 


Magnet Magnate is a first-person movement-based systems demo where the player moves around a spaceship environment with their trusty magnet gun. The magnet gun is a device that allows the player to boost their movement capabilities using the attraction and repulsion of a magnet.


(Environment and lighting made using a free asset pack found on the Unreal asset store)



  • Designed and documented the magnet-based movement system

  • Used a free sci-fi-themed environment asset pack to create a simple level

  • Implemented simple collectibles and timers to create a simple game loop

Hot Swap
A Singleplayer, First-Person, VR Game

Tools: Unity 3D, Adobe Illustrator 

Development Time: 3 Days

Team Size: 10

Role: Lead Designer
Project Type: Game Jam


Hot Swap is a first-person virtual reality mechanics demo where the player swaps the location of objects around a bedroom. The player has the ability to swap, grab, and throw objects around a room as they desire. This demo was created for a game jam and serves as a proof of concept for a system that could be implemented in a full game.



  • A satisfying object location swapping and grabbing system

  • A fully modeled and textured room environment

  • Many props around the play space for the player to test the mechanics


  • Designed and documented the initial swapping and grabbing mechanic

  • Participated in QA testing throughout the development period

  • Assisted in managing the team and organizing the product backlog

Time-Loop Chess
A Time-Based Chess Variant

Tools: Unity 2D, Adobe Illustrator 

Development Time: 3 weeks

Role: Solo Developer
Project Type: Mechanics Demo 


Time-Loop Chess functions similarly to its predecessor, but the structure and gameplay were completely overhauled to fit with the time-looping mechanic that is at the center of this prototype. After a certain number of turns, the round will start again. Each round, a new piece will be placed on the board. All of the pieces that were placed in previous rounds will move in the exact pattern as they have in the previous loop, thereby creating a 'time-loop'. 

The newly added units can affect pieces placed during the previous loops by blocking or taking enemy pieces. This forces players to develop a flexible strategy that changes as they play. Players have to consider where to place their pieces and how to move their pieces in response to the decisions made by their opponent. With these systems, each choice has a lasting effect or implication because the decision will repeat itself during every subsequent loop. 

Time-Loop Chess
A Mailman's Last Stand
Postal Apocalypse 

Tools: Unity 3D, Adobe Illustrator 

Development Time: 10 Days

Team Size: 7

Role: Lead Gameplay Designer
Project Type: Gameplay Prototype


Postal Apocalypse is a single-player, first-person, strategy shooter prototype where the player takes the role of a mailman protecting their town by using the postal service as a means to convey tactical orders to the townsfolk. After a zombie apocalypse has wiped out 90% of the world’s population, one lone mail carrier must do all they can to protect the only place they have ever called home. The game is set on a group of hex tiles that represents one of the surviving colonies where the player can build defenses or produce resources. The player can upgrade their tiles with their resources while looking at the top-down view or join the fight themselves in the first-person perspective.  

Postal Apocalypse

Concept Art Created by Alex Goodman


Development of this prototype took place in the Fall of 2021 as part of our Senior Capstone game exploration period. We were given three weeks to make prototypes of games we would like to make for our final project. Although this game was not chosen as our final project, I would like to resume production on this game one day. I worked alongside one other designer on the development. I primarily worked on designing the gameplay loop and how to seamlessly integrate a strategical top-down with an exciting first-person game.  

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